Welcome to a brand new edition of the Weekly Cyco Gallery, where we stare at photos of bikes — or what I like to call “bikies.”
Last week, the bikie that stole your collective heart was the silhouetted GT Agressor, submitted by Nelson Shogren. Here’s the story behind that photo.
“The ride is a frequent one, a Columbia Gasline road that's well used by bikers, hikers and dogwalkers. I think the main story is the bike. As winter cycling is my main adventure, I was looking for a 29er with disc brakes in late summer 2020, the year of the bike shortage. I was told by every bike shop that I couldn't get one until March or April 2021. As I was desperate to get some good winter wheels and was working then at Dick's Sporting Goods, a rare shipment of GT Aggressor Pros came in. I immediately bought one and stuck the box in my basement. With 27.5 rims, it would work for snow riding. In October, I took the box to my back yard to assemble the bike. All mountain bikes should be birthed outdoors where they belong. I've only made a few modifications specific to snow and ice, but I really like the manual disc brakes. I've been told by my Canadian riding buddies that DOT or mineral oil in hydraulic brakes act a little sluggish in cold temperatures.”
Alright, thanks Nelson for that photo. Here are some more to look at and vote on as we head into another November weekend. A thanks to our contributors: Mickey, Nelson, James, Patrick.
Alright, time to vote.
Thanks everyone for your participation in this each week. It’s fun for me; I hope it is for you, too.
Don’t forget to send your bikies to me! Send them to brazdill.25@gmail.com. Include where and when the photo was taken, along with the bike’s year, make and model.