Greetings, fellow cycopaths.
Welcome to another edition of WCG. We hit pause last week on the voting, in order to take a moment to daydream on the joys of a ride through the Scottish Highlands. Thanks again, Mike. Those photos were great.
This week, we’re back to looking at bikies and then voting on our favorite. Thank you to this week’s submissions from James, Emily, Nelson and Mike. Really great photos this week!
That’s it for this week.
As a reminder, the photo with the most votes gets a little writeup in next week’s gallery. I’ve lengthened the amount of time the poll lasts, hopefully giving more people a chance to vote.
And don’t forget to keep sending me submissions each week. I love seeing the diversity of bicycles and locations people choose to ride them. There’s always a cool story behind the photo.
Please send your bikies to Include the year, make and model — and where in the world you were when you took it.