Hey everyone. Awkward post today.
It’s been something I’ve kicked around in my head for a little while. Gone back and forth like a broken spoke clinking against a rim.
Paid subscriptions or keep it free?
I know how you’d all respond. FREE. Keep it free, man!
Believe me, I hear ya. I don’t want to have to pay for the New York Times or the Washington Post or Netflix… I get it. And so many journalists and professional writers say something like, “Man I just don’t understand how someone can say they can’t afford $8 a month but then go and buy a $12 latte three times a week.”
You know why? Because there are so many websites with paywalls. There are countless things out there vying for our money. It adds up. Besides, lattes have caffeine, which is a basic human necessity. What does Wapo have? An exposé on a political figure who got away for years with embezzlement of veterans affairs coffers? Meh. Same old same old, right?
So, believe me — I understand the hesitation to throw a writer or a publication some cash. And I don’t enjoy begging. So I typically never ask.
But here is a fact: Cycotherapy takes time. And time is money. So what do I do? Stop? Well, maybe. Stopping though sounds like quitting. Like shelving something that’s actually bringing at least some fulfillment to us all.
OK, so then how much is my time working on Cycotherapy worth? This is an interesting question.
Here’s my answer: I have no idea. Mostly because I don’t know how much all of you value this little corner of the internet.
So here’s what I’m gonna do — I’m gonna ask you.
And I know what you’re thinking now: I’ll wait to see how other people respond. Stop that rubbish. Just respond. It will help me. (And it doesn’t cost you anything!)
It’s worth noting that Substack limits its polls to five options. I could have kept going. This poll will be good for a week, and I’ll remind you to respond. Please don’t be shy. All answers are confidential. It will help me determine the direction of Cycotherapy.
If, for example, the majority of you answer “A pat on the back”, I’ll back off a bit on the time I commit to this newsletter.
But if the majority of you answer “$100/year”, I’ll probably ramp things up a bit.
No answer is a bad one. And again, totally confidential.
I know I’ve said money just complicates things. It does. But it’s also still possible to have fun while paying for something.
Slow & Steady growth. $6 a month or $60 a year. Keep your focus regional. People on bikes delivering impressive performances and / or doing good work. Because on a bike, you never know where you’re going to end up.
Historically, many great artists wanted to devote their energy only to their art while ignoring the realities of everyday life. Too many lived penniless. I am voting for a yearly sum that hopefully optimizes the number of readers and revenue.