The Friday news & notables roundup is good because it covers a lot of the perimeters and influencing powers of the pedaling world. On your last comment on exercise vs. car: there was a family that lived right across the the street from a McDonald’s. Every day they would all pile into the car and drive across the street to feed and Pepsi the family. One day the restaurant manager asked them why they didn’t just walk over. The father answered, “What?!?! That’s way too far to walk!” Technology and automation has augmented our laziness and our health is now in jeopardy.
The Friday news & notables roundup is good because it covers a lot of the perimeters and influencing powers of the pedaling world. On your last comment on exercise vs. car: there was a family that lived right across the the street from a McDonald’s. Every day they would all pile into the car and drive across the street to feed and Pepsi the family. One day the restaurant manager asked them why they didn’t just walk over. The father answered, “What?!?! That’s way too far to walk!” Technology and automation has augmented our laziness and our health is now in jeopardy.
Bill Bryson is a hilarious and brilliant writer. Love that excerpt, so poignant. It’s a great book about hiking the Appalachian Trail.