On cyclists running stop lights and signs, that’s a 2-way street. First of all, cyclists are more aware of traffic at intersections because they can see their surroundings and hear better than a driver enclosed in a roof-pillared car or truck. I usually flow by the approach slow, check and go rule.
However, if there are other motorists or even people standing around, I will come to a complete stop, track-stand for a few seconds, then go on my merry way. The reason for this is to attempt to leave a lasting impression that not all cyclists are scofflaw rule breakers who do whatever they please. Bicycles are vehicles and we are obliged to obey all traffic laws.
This topic always twists me up and makes me feel a little hypocritical. It also makes me consider the difference between what is legal and what is a good idea. I’ve seen legally operated buggies that created horrible risks. Same with bikes. But bikers seem better at choosing routes and times that at least somewhat reduce risk. Legal or not, folks need to make responsible decisions and running a buggy with no lights in the dark morning or evening seems insane. Maybe gootfers think the same of cyclists.
On cyclists running stop lights and signs, that’s a 2-way street. First of all, cyclists are more aware of traffic at intersections because they can see their surroundings and hear better than a driver enclosed in a roof-pillared car or truck. I usually flow by the approach slow, check and go rule.
However, if there are other motorists or even people standing around, I will come to a complete stop, track-stand for a few seconds, then go on my merry way. The reason for this is to attempt to leave a lasting impression that not all cyclists are scofflaw rule breakers who do whatever they please. Bicycles are vehicles and we are obliged to obey all traffic laws.
Right. We're only scofflaw rule breakers *some* of the time. :)
This topic always twists me up and makes me feel a little hypocritical. It also makes me consider the difference between what is legal and what is a good idea. I’ve seen legally operated buggies that created horrible risks. Same with bikes. But bikers seem better at choosing routes and times that at least somewhat reduce risk. Legal or not, folks need to make responsible decisions and running a buggy with no lights in the dark morning or evening seems insane. Maybe gootfers think the same of cyclists.
“…consider what is legal and what is a good idea.” Great point. Those aren’t always synonymous.