Video Wednesday: a 'real' Walmart bike, Mohican MTB 100 highlights, chasing strangers in NYC
Happy Wednesday, cycopaths.
I’m still writing a draft that will recap our ride from Pittsburgh to D.C.
So, today, I’m copping out by attaching some videos I think you all might find interesting, helpful or entertaining.
First up, helpful/entertaining. Seth has done a good job reviewing department store mountain bikes in the past. It’s always funny to watch an adept mountain biker take a department store bike and send it down a North Carolina mountain. And then dissect all the technical reasons everything went wrong.
He’s even bought these bikes just to attach 3D-printed parts to them like disk rotors and other precarious components.
In this one, he’s claimed to have found a “real mountain bike” from Walmart for $400. If any of you are in the market for a beginner’s mountain bike … maybe this could be the ticket?
Next up, entertaining and interesting. (And perhaps helpful for people who are looking to do the Mohican MTB100?)
And … just entertaining.
Anyway, I hope you’re all having a great day. It’s apparently the first day of summer here in North America, which means we’ll all see the sun for the longest amount of time today. Hopefully you all get a chance to be out in it on your saddle.
See ya Friday.