Happy Mother’s Day to all our cycopathic moms. Whether you ride a bike, or are married to a man whose bike could be his second wife, you girls rock. We love you all.
Speaking of parties … the Peckerhead party keeps growing. It’s gonna be a peckerhead festival and I’m all for it. Some of you crazies are coming from Pennsylvania (shoutout to Bridge City!) Michigan and Delaware.
But all you stragglers still have time to join.
A brief reminder: the Peckerhead is a (free) annual bicycle ride through some of Ohio’s greatest country. Briefly, here’s how it works:
What: Peckerhead 2024
When: June 15, 2024
Where: 451 Davis Road, Mansfield OH 44907
How much: Free (donations welcome)
Why: Because.
Quick note on the new PeckerHQ (451 Davis Road). The featured image is a Google map of where you’ll set up. Parking will be available on the street, but lets avoid this practice. Davis is a thoroughfare in which vehicles travel well above the 25 mph speed limit.
Instead, park in the public school lots right across the street. There are parking spots behind the school and to the west of the school. My house is right across the street, and it’s an easy saunter from the lots.
Once you make it to our house, the one with the red maple tree blocking the house number, you can lounge and loiter in the front yard.
Reminder stuff:
The Peckerhead will feature three routes: This one, this one and this one. (These links are from last year … the routes are subject to change. More to come.)
The Peckerhead will have beer and other refreshing beverages. The Peckerhead will have weenies and other grilled foods. The Peckerhead will have music.
The Peckerhead will have bikes. And lycra. And colorful socks. (But you’ll have to bring all those things yourself.)
It’s a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon, before Father’s Day festivities on Sunday.
Cycotherapy will be your HQ for information regarding this year’s Peckerhead. Look here for more communication.
Questions? Leave them in the comment field below.